I Am Goddess of The Sun

"Ayida's Blissing" - The Fertility Candle



Ayida's Blissing - The Fertility Candle was created with intention to bring you victorious fertile energy, with intentions to bring forth a healthy pregnancy, labor and or baby or babies. This candle is poured with my magick, love and healing prayers.
This very special candle is named after Ayida Wedo; Damballah Wedo's wife. She is a Lwa of fertility, rainbows, snakes and much more. All "Ayida Blissing's" candle designs are one of a kind; created using rainbow colors to represent bringing in rainbow blissings with healthy rainbow babies.
This candle also has been charged with 8/8 Lion's Gate portal energy, New Moon energy, my fertility herbal blend, rainbow moonstone and other powerful ingredients.

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