Watching Our Seeds Flourish 
It all started with a reading I received from my manbo, my spiritual sister. She was the catalyst to my transformation and awakening, and along the journey a seed was planted within me that I didn't even realize had been planted. Then one day I woke up and just knew today was the day I was going to begin using my gifts, my magic and working with spirit to help others along their personal journey's and manifestations. I began starting off with candles then it flourished into what you know today as Goddess of The Sun. 
It all starts with believing in yourself whole heartedly and innerstanding that there is no greater love than the love of self. Healing, doing the inner work, being spiritually disciplined, and aligned, as well as figuring out what works for you, and removing what keeps you stagnant and pushing through the illusion of fear is very necessary, and you must TRULY believe that you're deserving of what you require and desire. Believe in the POWER of your tongue, the words you speak, your ancestors, your spirit guides and what you think and tell yourself privately. Always remember, when in doubt, you are never alone. You are a walking manifestation.
Welcome to the Goddess of The Sun family! May this journey guide,  empower and enlighten you, while igniting the power within you, elevating you right into your divine purpose. 
This is just the beginning!!!