I Am Goddess of The Sun

"Sundae Love" - The Lovers Candle

$40 $50
Sundae Love - The Lovers Candle is fused with "Come to Me" Candle Energy as well.
This Sundae was created for those in already existing partnerships as well for those who are currently single. "Sundae Love" is infused with the intent to attract new love, divine, romantic, unconditional, passionate, authentic, true & loyal, safe & protective & a spiritual kind of love. This Sundae is also infused with my magick, my lovers herbal blend, a small rose quartz heart and blessed by Spirit. There will also be a side of maple to drizzle over your candle before your burn it. Be sure to recite your intentions while doing so.
If you're already in a partnership you can expect the love between you to grow deeply, stronger & magnify bringing you two closer together. If you're single you can expect to attract a lover like no other who will be ready and worthy of your love. Must have a fire safe tray, plate, or bowl underneath because the love will be overflowing. This FALL EDITION Candle took days to complete because it's a 2 in 1. The sundae vessel is X-large and super thick. Once your candle is finished burning & cleaned properly you can use it. 
"Sundae Love" is very potent!

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